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The Show
Camp Fear the Podcast is a weekly podcast for kids. Each episode is its own scary story, between twenty and thirty minutes long. These are designed to be listened to while curled up on the couch all cozy with the entire family.
Or in front of a fire.
E-book versions of each show will be available at all major retailers one week after the show airs,
One week after the season is complete, a paperback version of all episodes will be available at all major online booksellers.
So, sit back, curl up next to the fire and enjoy...


P.T. Logan
Writer and Producer
P.T. Logan is the not so secret pseudonym of million copy best-selling author of horror and thriller novels for adults.
He created the Camp Fear books and podcast to share his love of books and audio with his three kids and the ENTIRE WORLD.

Abby Logan
Voice Actor
Abby Logan is a gregarious eleven-year-old who loves to read and write.
She is currently in grade five and excited to bring her love of scary stories to other kids around the world.
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